Monday, June 19th 2023


Today we:

  • did some organizing of our bins, materials and the classroom
  • learned about how to take survey results, and then identify the percentages and decimals to represent the data (tomorrow we will learn about ratios with this data)
  • did reading, literacy centres and literacy games 
  • learned all about weather systems, watched videos and had a big discussion about the water cycle, wind/air movement, the hottest/coldest places on earth and how humans can make an impact on the climate
  • practiced our own songs in music class (with the xylophones)
  • responses required for the grade 5 send off! Please check your email if you haven't had a chance to respond yet!
  • please bring in a white t-shirt for tie-dying! 
  • play-day is on Friday! the theme is western, so if you want to dress up, you can! Mrs. Brinson sent home an email today regarding this, so please check it out! 

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