Tuesday November 22, 2022

 Today we:

-played curling in PE. We worked in teams of three and each player had a turn to throw a rock, alternating with the opposing team. The closest rock to the middle won the round.

-continued learning about the Artic region and the Inuit people. We answered reading comprehension questions based on text about the region. We also watched a video that showed footage from across Canada so we could compare the geographical regions of Canada.


See you on Thursday evening or Friday during the day!

Hello families,

Parent / Teacher Conferences will be in person at Northern Lights School this Thursday night (November 24) between 4:30 - 8:00 pm and Friday (November 25) during the day between 9:00 am - 2:00 pm. There is no school for students on Friday.

Families have their own booked 15-minute slot so there will not be other families in the classrooms at the same time. To help them stay on track, we ask that you arrive at the time you have booked.

When arriving, teachers would love to greet you with a smile and a wave, rather than a handshake.

Teachers will also likely wear a mask during your meeting time and may have their meeting table set up with additional room for physical distancing.

Hand sanitizer is available upon entering the school and on the wall in every classroom to be used at your convenience.

We hope you will pop by the Learning Commons for our Book Fair to browse what is available and say hello to Mrs. Barrowcliff, Mrs. Brinson, Mrs. Docherty and Mr. Newton.  

If your child or other little ones at home are sick, we ask that you come to the conference without them to help reduce the spread of any illnesses.

We look forward to seeing everyone in a few days!

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