Monday October 17, 2022

 Today we:

-Used the information from our graphic organizers last week to start creating a slide presentation about our chosen province or territory. We will be presenting on Thursday and Friday to the whole class so they can learn from our research.

-Learned how to do a basketball layup in PE. We are practicing and learning new moves to use when we start playing basketball games later this week.

-Looked at our basic math fact progress from September to October with Mrs. Swaroop individually. Activities to help students practice basic math facts at home will be posted to Google Classroom later this week.

-Reviewed the difference between conflict, rude, mean, and bullying. We discussed how choosing to be kind has positive impacts on the other person and on us! Please review the chart with your child so that you have common language to use with them when discussing interactions they are having at school.


-Wednesday is picture day and we will also be going on a walking field trip to the Country Hills Storm Pond. Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather.

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