Tuesday, May 23rd 2023

 Hello! Hope everyone had a great long weekend. 

Today we: 

  • reviewed all of our work with fractions and did some practice on prodigy - students can log in at home and show you if they want! - see photos below
  • read 2 chapters of our read aloud "The City of Ember!" - ask me tonight about what we read! We also put key details in our visual journal! 
  • also learned that we are going to make "vaults" and "burglar alarms" starting tomorrow! We still need a few more shoe boxes for this (if anyone has one lying around)! This will be to wrap up our electricity unit.
  • learned all about British North America and what life was like in the 1800s. 

  • This is just a friendly reminder about our spirt day - "Career Day" (aka "dress up like what you want you want to be when you grow up" day) - which is tomorrow! Students can dress up like something they would like to be when they grow up! For example - a scientist or a chef or a soccer player! Be creative and anything counts. Can't wait to see what you all dream up!


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