Wednesday, February 15th 2023

 Hello NLS Families, 

Today we:

  • started off the day with our  "morning meeting" (first 5 minutes of the day, we discuss a variety of topics with our classmates) - our discussion question of the day was "would you want to change your name? if so, to what?" 
  • did our word work 
  • did balloon games in gym (practicing skills for tennis, badminton and volleyball)
  • played a new math game 
  • practiced various ways to achieve an answer in math - but we determined that some ways were faster than others (e.g., multiplication was faster than skip counting or tallying). Students brought home multiplication charts to practice their basic facts with. 
  • did read to self and literacy centres today 
  • finished our "solution to recovery" lab today and used a google form to fill out our answers.


  • There is no school on Thursday, Friday for teachers convention and also no school on Monday for family day.  

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