Monday September 12, 2022

 Today we:

-Logged into the Chromebooks and went into Raz Kids to read digital books. Please check your email for information on how to support your child's use of Raz Kids at home. Your child should be reading for 20 minutes or more everyday at home.

-Solved  problems involving area and perimeter of rectangles. We listened to a song that helps remind us of strategies for solving for perimeter and area.

-Finished our "What If Everybody Did That" pages which will be binded into a class book.

-Did a pre-assessment in social studies showing what we know about the geography and areas of Canada prior to starting to learn the grade 5 learning material. We showed on a map of Canada where we thought different cities, provinces, and territories are. We will revist our maps after we learn about the areas and geography of Canada to place more accurate borders and labels.

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